Explore how you fit in the political landscape.

Vote Compass shows you how your views align with those of the candidates running for election.

Find out where you stand.

Launch Vote Compass

Current Vote Compass Initiatives

2024 United Kingdom General Election

Participate at votecompass.uk

Vote Compass is an award-winning civic engagement application.

Developed by political scientists, Vote Compass is used by millions of people during elections around the world. It's easy and it's quick.

How Vote Compass Works

Launch Vote Compass

Getting started is easy. With no login, and no registration, you keep control of your info. All you need is a postal or zip code so we can determine your district, electorate or riding.

Take the questionnaire

A Vote Compass questionnaire is typically 30 questions and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Once you finish, Vote Compass will analyse your responses and compare them with the policies of the candidates.

See the results

Your Vote Compass results show you how your views compare to the policy proposals of the candidates and help you understand how you fit into the political landscape. You can see where you agree and disagree with each of the candidates.

Explore the issues

Once you see how you fit in, Vote Compass lets you dive deep into the platforms of each party or candidate with comparisons by topic, candidate statements, and options to weight the issues most important to you.

See the full picture with Vote Compass

Get a snapshot of the politics in your area, captured in one place.

Past Vote Compass Initiatives

We run multiple Vote Compass initiatives each year, working closely with our media partners to bring you closer to the parties and candidates.


Manitoba Provincial Election, Canada

New Zealand General Election

Toronto Mayoral By-Election, Canada

Alberta Provincial Election, Canada


Toronto Municipal Election, Canada

Hamilton Municipal Election, Canada

Quebec Provincial Election

Australian Federal Election

Ontario Provincial Election


Canadian Federal Election

Nova Scotia, Canada

Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Election, Canada


New Zealand General Election

2020 Saskatchewan Provincial Election, Canada

2020 British Columbia Provincial Election, Canada


Canadian Federal Election

Alberta Provincial Election, Canada

Australian Federal Election


Quebec Youth Edition

Toronto Mayoral Election, Canada

Brazil Federal Election

New Brunswick Provincial Election, Canada

Quebec Provincial Election, Canada

Ontario Provincial Election, Canada


New Zealand General Election

German Federal Elections

French Presidential Election

B.C. Provincial Election, Canada


United States Presidential Election

Saskatchewan Provincial Election, Canada

Manitoba Provincial Election, Canada

Australian Federal Election


Canadian Federal Election

Alberta Provincial Election, Canada

New South Wales State Election, Australia

Queensland State Election, Australia


Victoria State Election, Australia

Toronto Mayoral Election, Canada

New Zealand General Election

Ontario Provincial Election, Canada

Quebec Provinical Election, Canada


Australian Federal Election

B.C. Provincial Election, Canada


U.S. Presidential Election

Quebec Provincial Election, Canada

Alberta Provincial Election, Canada


Ontario Provincial Election, Canada

Canadian Federal Election

Vote Compass has been commissioned by the following organisations:

Big Data, big possibilities

Vote Compass promotes an informed electorate but it also channels the voice of the people.

The millions of responses to Vote Compass generate unprecedented stores of public opinion data, which can be leveraged to prompt governments to be more responsive to the views of the citizens they represent.

Vote Compass was created by the scientists at Vox Pop Labs.

To learn more about the work being done at Vox Pop Labs, visit our website.

Visit Vox Pop Labs